Thursday, September 29, 2016
Civilian Aircraft Encounters

Civilian Aircraft Encounters

One of the first encounters between a civilian aircraft and a UFO happened at 2.45am on 24th July 1948. Captain Clarence S. Chiles ...
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Area 51

Area 51

Deep in The Nevada desert lies a military base that is surrounded by so much official secrecy that the US government has even refused...
Ancient Astronauts

Ancient Astronauts

Erich Von Danken’s book Chariots of the Gods? has many followers who believe it is the most convincing text supporting the idea of...
Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Because aliens are supposed to blank the minds of their victims, what actually happens during an abduction is often only revealed thr...
Sunday, September 25, 2016


In 1921 Lt. Colonel Charles Kenneth Howard-Bury, a British soldier leading an expedition up Mount Everest , recounted a puzzling stor...
The White River Monster

The White River Monster

Of all the awesome and hideous mystery beasts in the world, nothing is loved by its neighbours quite as much as ‘Whitey’, the White R...
The Utah Lakes Monsters

The Utah Lakes Monsters

Utah folklore says the state’s Great Lakes house not one, not two, but five fearsome water monsters. Early Native Americans believe...